Stuart Phillips PHD
Stuart Phillips
Professor; Associate Chair, Research; Director, Physical Activity Centre of Excellence (PACE); Director, McMaster Centre for Nutrition, Exercise, and Health Research; Canada Research Chair (Tier 1)
Professor Phillips is a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Skeletal Muscle Health in Aging. He is a Professor in Kinesiology, and Graduate Faculty in the School of Medicine at McMaster University. He is a fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (FCAHS) and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). His research is focused on the impact of nutrition and exercise on the mechanisms of human skeletal muscle protein turnover. He is also keenly interested in diet- and exercise-induced changes in body composition particularly in older persons. His research is funded by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research, the National Science and Engineering Council of Canada, the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, the US NIH, the USDA, and several industry partners. Dr. Phillips was the inaugural recipient of the Enzo Cafarelli Graduate Mentor Award in 2017. He was named to Clarivate’s Highly Cited Award in 2018-2021 as one of the top 1% of all cited researchers in physiology and nutrition. He has more than 50,000 citations and an
h-index of 121.
Recognitions & Awards
University Professor
Issued by McMaster University , Nov. 2023
Associated with McMaster University
Distinguished University Professor is the highest award McMaster University can confer on its Faculty members. It will be conferred only on faculty members who have demonstrated distinction and impact well beyond McMaster in one or more fields of endeavour, sustained over time, emphasizing success achieved while on faculty at the University. In keeping with McMaster’s position as a research-intensive university of global repute, those holding the title of Distinguished University Professor must have demonstrated an outstanding and sustained research record demonstrating international impact and recognition. However, this award is also meant to recognize the complete scholar. Thus, the ideal candidate will have additionally demonstrated a sustained record of excellence and innovation in teaching and learning, including the supervision of emerging scholars, along with a demonstrated history of service that has impacted the community, whether within or without the University.​
Canada Research Chair - Tier 1 - Skeletal Muscle Health
Issued by Canada Research Chairs Program · Jan. 2023
Associated with McMaster University
The Canada Research Chairs (CRC) program stands at the centre of a national strategy to make Canada one of the world's top countries in research and development. Chairholders aim to achieve research excellence in engineering and the natural sciences, health sciences, humanities, and social sciences.e sure to include relevant skills you gained, accomplishments you achieved or milestones you reached during your education.
ACSM Citation Award Recipient
Issued by American College of Sports Medicine · Jun. 2022
Associated with McMaster University
The Citation Award of the American College of Sports Medicine is granted to an individual or group who has made significant and important contributions to sports medicine and/or the exercise sciences. These contributions may include, but are not limited to, research and scholarship; clinical care; and/or administrative or educational services in sports medicine or exercise science.
Highly Cited Researcher
Issued by Clarivate Analytics · Jan. 2022
Associated with McMaster University
Recognized for exceptional research performance demonstrated by the production of multiple highly cited papers, those that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and year in Web of Science.
Mentorship Award
Expedida por The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology ·Oct. 2017
Associated with McMaster University
The purpose of the CSEP Mentorship Award in Honour of Enzo Cafarelli is to annually recognize a Professor or Advisor in the Exercise Science field for their dedication and mentorship to their students and/or their faculty.
​McMaster University Students Union Teaching Award
Issued by McMaster Student's Union · Mar. 2016
Associated with McMaster University
Voted as a the best teacher in Kinesiology by the Students
Panel Member: IOC Consensus statement on nutrition for athletes
Issued by IOC · Oct. 2010
Member and author of IOC position statement on nutrition for athletes: and
Issued by American College of Sports Medicine · Jun. 2009
Associated with McMaster University
Opening the books...